Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Don't give up just yet

 Like Robespierre,  the tyrant may have cut off  enough heads to be desperate; really desperate.  There appear to only a limited number of ways to control people with fear -esp when facts of history come back into focus . 
 The chief  maybe searching for someone to blame for his  incompetence and needless bloodletting ; let alone the ditching of the constitution  and the creation of a police state, 
, Can't blame your own appointments, but you can blame the modellers  (that new group that cover up a lot of muddling ); the high priests,  the blood letters ( Oh dear we don't believe in having them around anymore ) 
Fortunately  for blame shifting,  the average joe blow thinks modelling is science .It is if you providing the assumptions." Lots of people are still at risk, but this time its not me or my appointees " that said so . Lets ignore the history  lets  try asking the Burnet institute for MYOB research.  2000 deaths .  

If you ever get beyond your own understanding , just remind the audience of what really works .   Hymn singing    . 

See " The French Revolution " documentary based on work of T Carlyle or try Peter in Prison  

Friday, April 23, 2021

Mainstream media are going mad

 If Santayana was still around he would be first to note the high level of fanaticism at the moment 
While western leaders show it ,
 The imminent demise of media control is making the media go completely mad . 

an eg 

I wrote a personal message recommendation, as a ecologist, for the Media  to look into the total confusion over what works in reducing carbon dioxide levels .
Facebook thought it didn't meet community standards and removed it . I will send anyone a link who asks for it .
Admins unsatisfactory adjudication of "what's printable "would offend even Voltaire.

Maybe that's the biggest story of the moment ?

You too can ask me for the story -----if you dare .