Nothing more symbolizes the fanaticism of the people than their blind acceptance of risk avoidance tokens .
Nothing more symbolizes the god like, but godless arrogance of our leaders than there claims to be supermen
-Howard sends in the troops to save babies
-Rudds runs off at the mouth over simple means to save water
-Turnbull still thinks he can engineer his way out of a conservation issue
-Bracks makes water and sends us full page ads to tell us how clever he is
All this hot air over hot air seems to have led to too much haste and too much talk of brakes - Brakes in energy-1 and water-2 conservation and the new kid on the block -emission targeting-3.
Now whether its 1 ,2 or 3 the science is one thing and the science and praxis is another . But apparantly in an election year the glove of control has only one lever - its called a brake. I am not clear who or whom is now commited to pressing it . I hope I am not the only one who thinks this is the biggest piece of impossible impotent projection ever in politics in Australia. Whose actually going to do it and how?
Pity these blokes aren't listening to the former PS commissioner Podger who is today reminding the leaders of our country that they are lost at sea through their own stupidity. If the issue was complex maybe they should consult with people whose training and experience doesn't allow them to be swayed by every passing wind of doctrine.
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