Monday, February 22, 2016

TRUMP is deep trouble

America is in a fanatical mood , Things aren't working.  The system is failing, Trump talk is the outward expression  of desperation and confusion over what works
The people are afraid .
They are deeply afraid of another religion taking over the country .

We are wise to be fearful of the power of religion.
In the comfort zone lulls that characterize most of time in history, we seem to ignore this ; we are prone to pretend that one's faith its " irrelevant". World view is a given but its never irrelevant as it drives our passions - or lack of them .Ask any psychologist.
Lets be thoroughly realistic - people from an Islamic background see the modern secularist state as weak and IMO so should we .
The modern secularist leadership is increasingly fanatical about its hold on minds, hearts and power becauses "its simply not working "; As Donald Trumps empty headed rhetoric now so well symbolises,
If you want a deeper debate about what works in the West , follow Shylock and Portia --having been played every year for the past 500, the debate over law and grace in that play has sustainability . Law and grace the Christian way.
It is my view then that it is not the power of Islam that is the problem for the West, but the deep weakness and the shallow watered down determinism of the Post Christian world views of the West.
If we keep telling ourselves we are just products of our genes, we will stop using our minds. Our legs will turn to jelly.Our political legs have already turned to jelly.
If we keep blaming the other person or sex for our problems eventually the unsustainability of our false targeting will become evident to outsiders .
If you think something long enough, you will start to believe it . If you confuse correlation with causation you will 
 eventually find yourself alone in num brain land  The modern secular leadership preach this simple single problem /solution as gospel because its in the DNA determinism of their faith ;  that only genotype expressed as phenotype ( what your feel) is what matters .Matter over mind ; "our minds are just propaganda machines ". ,
" Do what you feel like " doesn't work and we all know it deep down
As Dalrymple says , all we have left, after centuries of tough minded law and grace is" the toxic cult of sentimentality" - a sort of grace that doesn't work because the basic tension in law and grace is lost - half the solution is no solution.
Half baked PC theology just pays people to "do what they feel like" -killing off all the hard fought toughness and tough thinking resisting of the past -
Modern secular determinism, as practiced in the west, is a soft centered mind numbing addition to ambulance and helicopter based care by governments - not families and "courts" where a sense of responsibility can be taught. Reactive not preventative. Its costs the earth and its killing the earth
Shylock types make the historic mistake ( as early Rome did ) of seeing Christianity as weak. Its only weak if its watered down . It's certainly looks weak, but that's not our problem- most media talk and politics is superficial .
The best part of this play is that it reminds us of how to return to a powerful of way of making our society work and be truly great again .
If you don't do anything else this week , go see the wonderful Warren and wonder at the sheer power of principle in the hands of a mere woman! !

Monday, February 15, 2016

Feminism is failing as its fanaticism shows

Young women are questioning the wisdom of their mothers - a reasonable and realistic process for any parent and child .It helps weed out the crap of the previous generation even if it creates more of its own

What the Western children see (esp as daughters who become Muslims or something else) is that the movement is mistaken - both in target and purpose .
"It doesn't work mum - you just  come across as men haters. We want strong men, not the wimps you whip them into"

Now that so many more people celebrate their own  victimhood , its becomes obvious that the perception is as big a handicap as any reality -a negative impression ; one that eats away at the proponent as well as any victims of real abuse. A projection that helps divert a woman's perception of herself  and her limits onto undeserving others.

Feminism is failing for any number of reasons. Even that most famous of Fabians ( GB shaw ) admitted . just quietly,   that he had to duck and weave to avoid all the sycophantic women in his movement who , in his own time , took their own plight too seriously  and projected it onto others ( turning it into just another form of the disease of "poor me victimhood " of the 20th century )
The fanaticism of the femmes for more forcefulness is more and more evident as the Emily's list types lose their power over the argument and their daughters.
"It doesn't work mum - you just  come across as men haters. We want strong men , not the wimps you want to whip them into". Go girls .