Monday, April 02, 2012

You can pick fanatics by the way they repeat themselves

Barrie Cassidy was on the hunt for confirmation that He as a statistician  had a point to make ;  Not one worth making mate; it was embarrassing to watch  . Similarly the man who is always repeating himself  David Maher wastes public time trying to make yet another point in defence of everything he's against . One week after half the world saw "Insiders" turn into outsiders ABCTV heads could do without this tiresome and predictable defensive talk from their insiders .
Barry Cassidy should know too that his bright shirts are a giveaway.  Just as he should know that a real economist should talk stats and real scientists should talk science . (When  will the ABC get properly scientific and let a practical scientist run their science agendas ) .
Barrie , by letting himself and David Maher wax lyrical and long ( what a pain !- last Sunday ) on subjects they clearly know little about , these wannabes demonstrate that Insiders is really outside of some of the more critical debates going on around them ( they wouldn't even touch marriage --as  techno phobes- they only believe only in new clothes? which kind of leaves them well out front with little to go on with---- at times ) . 

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